Quigley North Building

Here are some photos of Quigley North over the years.

People have asked about the renovations.  Here is the best link focusing on the chapel.

Alas, Q was not brought back to life as a place to nurture the future leaders of Catholic Chicago, but as a church hall annex to the Cathedral, a pricey wedding chapel, and some very gothic office space for the Cardinal'a staff.

Super Big Shot - so you can zoom in and out.


Taken Prior to Rennovation

After the facelift

Taken Prior to Rennovation

Taken after Rennovation

Rennovated Chandelier - Note the amazing colors we never saw.

It All Started Here.                                                                                               It All Ended Here
Below are views you may never have seen, places you may never have set foot.  Feel free to comment and tell the rest of us, what it is, or what it's like inside there.

Ever get inside this spire?

Ever do penance in this keep?

Who is this dude, and who or what is he jabbing?

Ever walk inside this turret?

Ever stand here and play with the flags?

Ever walk on this parapet?
Ever notice how dirty the building was?

Where is this?  What is this?
Lord Voldemort's Conference Room?

Parting Shots
These photos were made shortly before the renovation.

By day a path to classrooms.  By night box seats for basketball games.

Time for extramural activities.

The Labor-a-tory.  Still haunted by the ghost of Boris Karloff.

The Holy of Holies.  Faculty only.

Stares at Stairs.  They were everywheres, yous guys.

Fidem Sciat Cafeteria

We could descend no lower than this.

The Courtyard

The exclusive turf of faculty members and Fr. Koziol's delivery trucks, 
here are some interesting pictures of this once forbidden lair.

What things looked like before renovation.

Rumor has it that they used to use the tower for Jug back in the '30's,

A Serene Winter's Night.

A Serene Summer's day.

Pavers added for Bentley drivers.

Hey! That's not a Bentley.

This will keep out the riff-raff.

Welcome Ye!  All Who Entereth.

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